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photo of Guiyuan Temple
Photo By: ch
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    Guiyuan Temple, one of national key Buddhism temples, is situated in Cuiweiheng Road, west of Tortoise Hill of Hanyang District. It was built in 1658 and named upon the Buddhist hymn: “Return to original purity without other resort, there would be many ways if it is at discretion.”
    It has 200-odd halls and rooms, covering an area of 46, 900 square meters. Its main buildings include Daxiong Great Hall, Tianwang Hall, Arhat Hall, Book-collecting Pavilion, Dashi Pavilion, Weituo Hall, and Abbot's House. Featured by 500 gilt arhats statues in the Arhat Hall, it is one of the four famous Buddhist monasteries, with the other three being Baotong, Lianxi, and Zhengjue.

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